Pestana São Tomé i São Tomé

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Av. Marginal 12 de Julho, 851, São Tomé, São Tomé and Príncipe
Kontakter telefon: +239 224 4500
Latitude: 0.3327057, Longitude: 6.7412023
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Kommentar 5

  • Rivka Goldberg

    Rivka Goldberg


    It is good hotel to sleep, but not beach to be, bad food and too expensive

  • Gloria Stimatze

    Gloria Stimatze


    Beautiful set up on the waterfront. Good breakfast. Clean spacious room. However this is not a 5 star hotel, more like a 3.5 which would be lovely if the price tag wasn't that of a 5 star.

  • Portia Amankwah

    Portia Amankwah


    Absolutely amazing. Awesome and friendly staff especially Mr. Furtado. You will enjoy your stay there. Highly recommended.

  • Abhilesh Babel

    Abhilesh Babel


    Good leisure hotel. However not so good for business trips. Patchy wi-fi.

  • Jasmine N

    Jasmine N


    This was perfection. Great system to pick up from the hotel and easy to arrange tours with the hotel. Including English speaking guides. They arranged a tour for us with Ramos dafrica which I highly recommend. They are also easy to use to get to the Pestana sister properties on the island and on other islands. There was even a nice show during bbq night and the infinity pool to the gulf of Guinea is everything. Next time we are in São Tomé we will stay with them.

Nærmeste Spa:

Miramar by Pestana

Av. Marginal 12 de Julho, 69, Água Grande
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